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Mabco has teamed up with Cacao Link of Madagascar to bring you cocoa beans from the Sambirano Valley is named after the Sambirano river, in the northwestern part of Madagascar. The river finds its source from Maromokotra, the highest mountain of our island-nation (2,876m peak) and flows all year round through 124km all the way to the Indian Ocean. The Sambirano Valley provides all kinds of beneficial conditions for growing cacao trees.

Madagascar, the island-nation, separated from mainland Africa and India respectively about 160 million and 90 million years ago. Ever since, our fauna and flora developed an incredible and unique diversity, making Madagascar a true hot spot of biodiversity: over 80% of our species are endemic.

NOTE: SHIPPING IS NOT FREE In order to provide you with the lowest shipping rate, we will contact you with accurate shipping costs we are going to get in touch with you after you check out 

Premium Madagsacar Ambohimena Cocoa Beans

  • 10 lbs or 4.5 Kilo Bag

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